This dissection course is most suitable for neurosurgical residents in their final years of training, complementing the Step I cranial course in Brno and the hands-on course in Lyon. We will focus more in depth on the relevant neurosurgical anatomy, the planning and execution of advanced neurosurgical procedures, neuroendoscopy, and some skullbase approaches. Participants will learn the essential neurosurgical anatomy, the planning of surgical procedures, the handling of neurosurgical equipment, and advanced neurosurgical cranial approaches.The course capacity is limited to 20 participants.
State-of-the art operating theatre with 12 operating tables providing training of complex procedures on preserved human tissue, surgical robots, training on virtual reality simulators, virtual reality and video animations of interventions, a digital learning environment and conference rooms for 200 people.
This course is accredited.
This course is not accredited.
EANS Cranial Step 2
Istanbul, Turkey
Registration deadline:
The registration deadline for this course has passed. Please do keep an eye out for future opportunities.
Please register your interest by filling in the contact form. Our team will get in touch to inform you about the details and registration process.
One of our team members will be in touch with you shortly.
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